Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Why shouldn't I buy one of these?

Pogoplug review

by Joshua Topolsky, posted Apr 6th 2009 at 12:27PM

When we first caught wind of the Pogoplug -- a small box that essentially lets you turn any USB hard drive (and drives only) into a network device -- we were pretty darn excited. Having a house full of disparate storage boxes and no easy way to connect to them made the prospect of the 'plug seem very enticing. Not only does the Pogoplug make your drive accessible via your PC (with accompanying software), but it -- we think more importantly -- makes the drive accessible via a web front-end and an iPhone app. We finally had a chance to break one of these out and see how it performs, and our findings are below.

Sounds pretty sweet. And I don't use my external HD at all as it stands.

Posted via web from Aught he has to know it with.

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