Friday, October 2, 2009

Woe is us

Another Bad Employment Report (I-Wish-We-Had-a-Ripcord-to-Pull Department)

The adult civilian employment-to-population ratio drops below 59% to 58.8%, down from a December 2006 peak of 63.4% (and am April 2000 peak of 64.7%):


What's amazing about this chart is that the civilian employment-population ratio is now around where it was in the early 1980s while women were still establishing their current foothold in the labor market. There are more job-seekers now, with more families shooting to have two bread-winners, and yet the actual ratio of the population employed isn't any higher.

Someone should find George W. Bush and force him to continue to hold press conferences, just so we can continue to publicly ridicule him in the fashion he deserves.

Posted via web from Aught he has to know it with.

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